Low alcohol wine (with alcohol table)

Wein mit wenig Alkohol (mit Alkoholtabelle)

Why low alcohol wine instead of regular wine?

In a world where conscious consumption is becoming more and more important, interest in low-alcohol wines is also growing . These wines offer the opportunity to enjoy the full flavor of the wine without being overwhelmed by a high alcohol content .

In this blog post, we take a closer look at the world of low alcohol wines , their different varieties and their benefits.

Why low alcohol wines?

Low- alcohol wines are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons:

  • They fit well with a healthy lifestyle and conscious enjoyment.
  • Their lower alcohol content allows you to drink several glasses without any worries .
  • They are easier to digest and are suitable for a variety of occasions, from social gatherings to a relaxing evening at home.

The variety of low-alcohol wines

Low alcohol wines come in a variety of varieties and styles . From sparkling whites to fruity rosés and elegant reds, this category has something to suit every taste . Here is an overview of some popular varieties:

variety Alcohol content Taste profile
Sparkling white wine 6-9% vol Fresh, fruity, lively
Fruity Rosé 7-10% vol Aromatic, berry, refreshing
Light red wine 9-11% vol Gentle, balanced, slightly spicy
Sparkling wines 8-11% vol Fresh, sparkling, festive
Liqueur wines 14-17% vol Sweet, aromatic, full-bodied
CALOW 4-6% vol Light, refreshing, sparkling

How are low alcohol wines made?

Low alcohol wines are often produced using different techniques and processes:

  • Earlier harvest time: The grapes are harvested earlier when their sugar content is lower and therefore less alcohol is produced.
  • Gentle processing: Through gentle processing of the grapes and controlled fermentation, the alcohol content can be further reduced.
  • Partial dilution: In some cases, the wine is diluted with water after fermentation to reduce the alcohol content without affecting the taste. (This is obviously not the case with CALOW!)

CALOW as a low-alcohol alternative

For wine lovers who want to consciously choose less alcohol, CALOW is the ideal choice . With an alcohol content of only 4-6% vol, CALOW offers a refreshing and light enjoyment experience that fits perfectly with a healthy and balanced lifestyle .

Whether as a refreshing aperitif before dinner or as a sparkling drink for social occasions - CALOW impresses with its fruity and refreshing taste profile and is significantly lighter than conventional wines. Enjoy every sip of CALOW without regrets and treat yourself to the full enjoyment of a wine aperitif, without the typical consequences of excessive alcohol consumption.

Enjoy the taste of wine without the effects of alcohol

Low alcohol wines offer an excellent way to enjoy the full flavour of wine without feeling the effects of high alcohol content . Their variety and quality make them an attractive choice for those who want to live consciously and enjoyably.

Discover the world of low-alcohol wines and be inspired by their unique taste experience!

Note: Alcohol content may vary by producer and vintage. Please check labels for exact information.

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